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Best Times Of November For Deer Hunt

November 22, 2023 2 min read

Best Times Of November For Deer Hunt

Are you enjoying a unique charm at this time of year, I am talking about November. November is the time of the year when things are getting more exciting and odds are getting better. We have another blog for you to make your November hunting more adventurous. 

PC: Pexels

You can also check our previous blogs as hunt bucks during the November rut, and November buck hunting strategies. But today I will talk about the best times when you can get the maximum chances of success.

Best Times Of November For Deer Hunt:

The best time of day for deer hunting in November can vary based on various factors including weather, location, and deer behavior. However, some general patterns are accepted worldwide.

  • Early Morning Hunt
  • Mid-Day Hunt
  • Evenings

Early Morning Hunt:

PC: Pexels

Early cold mornings in November are considered to be the best for a dream rut hunt. There are a couple of reasons for this,

Less hunting pressure in the early hours before sunset. Mature bucks wander after dark during the rut period. Scent trails left by the does searching for the bedding areas just before daylight is also a convincing factor. Another reason is that in the mornings, bucks are more active than in the evenings

Mid-Day Hunt:

PC: Pexels

Think out of the box and move your stand during the later hours of the day. Hunters need to pay attention to this time of day. The peak rutting activity was seen between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. In the middle of the day, the does frequently get up from their sleeping spots to explore and stroll between regions of bedding cover; nevertheless, they appear to only go short distances. During the mid-day search, hunters should also look for waterholes with great ambush cover on warm fall days, bucks, and does visit such spots frequently for rehydrating and cover.

Note: The days before the peak of the rut are the greatest for an all-day or mid-day hunt because bucks will be out looking for hot does all day.


PC: Pexels

Deer typically become more active in the late afternoon and evening as the days get shorter and the temperature drops, especially when they are looking for food before turning in for the night. You must be quiet and patient as the light fades. Although deer may be slow to emerge, they can be quickly scared off by loud noises or sudden movements. Seek out locations where deer travel from their beds to feeding places. These transitional areas, such as fields' edges or paths, might be ideal locations to set up your blind or stand for nighttime hunting. 

Pro tip: Never hunt from the same stand in the mornings and the evenings.

It's important to remember, too, that deer behavior can vary greatly depending on a variety of circumstances, including local conditions and hunting pressure. Deer movement can also be influenced by weather variations, such as cold fronts, which can cause them to become more active throughout the day. A successful hunt can be attributed to scouting the region in advance, comprehending the habits of deer in that particular area, and being flexible based on what you observe.

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