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Moose Hunting

August 20, 2021 3 min read

Moose Hunting

Moose are elk in North America, having good trophy value. Moose is an aggressive, solitary animal. Hunting a moose is the most challenging task you will ever perform. Moose are cold-adapted mammals.

The mature male moose is called a  bull, the female is a  cow,and the immature moose is called a  calf.

Countries and States in which Moose are Present:

Moose population has been reduced due to human hunts, but they still occur in 

  • Canada

  • Poland

  • New York

  • Alaska

  • Baltic states

  • Russia

  • New England

Habitat of Moose:

The moose size gives an idea that it is easy to find, but it is the most challenging animal to locate because it vanishes as quickly as you can think about it.

They inhabit the boreal forests and temperate broadleaf and mixed forests from tropical to the subarctic climate of North America. Moose prefer the taiga and subalpine zones

They are present in the thick timber and bushy areas that protect them from predators and the hot and cold climate. They are common in the areas near the lakes, rivers, and bogs, where they can easily access the willow birch.

Physical Appearance:

The moose has the following distinctive characteristics.

Size and Weight:

Being the biggest cervid in the world, the adult moose stands about 7 ft in height. Male bulls weigh around 700 kg, and female cows typically around 500 kg. The tail is short as compared to other unguligrade.


The antler's size and growth depend upon diet and age. The antlers grow from the midline of the skull to both sides in a cylindrical pattern. The mature male moose antlers can spread to about 200 centimeters


The moose have thickened skin, and the fur is dark brown hairs that are the top layer and wooly heat-retaining coat beneath.

Diet of Moose:

The most staple element of the moose diet is the willow. Moose diet depends upon location moose select low fiber diet that is rich in nutrition. 

Moose is browsing herbivores and eats aquatic vegetation and dogwood, buds, aspen, maple, and twigs.

Predators of Moose:

Despite being large in size and aggressive nature, there are still natural predators of moose,

  • Brown Bears

  • Siberian Tigers

  • Gray Wolves

  • Cougars

  • American Black Bears

Breeding and Reproduction:

Moose rutting season is from September to October. The female gave birth to one calf or twins depending upon food availability in May or June

Hunting Methods:

Several methods can be used for moose hunting, and some of these are

  • Stalk Hunting

  • Still Hunting

  • Moose Calls

Stalk Hunting:

In the peak rut season, when the male moose searches for the female cow, the hunter can easily stalk and hunt the moose. Hunter should pay close attention to the female he saw during the stalking. 

Once you find a moose remember the details of its location as moose are not so tricky to stalk but be careful to make unnatural noises. 

Still Hunting:

This method means to move slowly and carefully along the moose trails. The wind is an important helping factor. The hunters usually move during the early evening and morning hours when moose are most active.

One of the disadvantages of still hunting is that the human smell may make the moose aware of the danger and rush to the brush.

Moose Call Hunting:

Moose calls are very vocal during the rut season. Hunters can use this for their benefit. Hunters typically use these calls

  • Mu-wah

  • gluck 

  • Moooooo-ah

 You have to be patient after the calls because the moose are slow movers. The hunters use the devices to amplify the calls.

I hope you will be able to hunt the most challenging moose and enjoy the meat afterward.

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