January to March considered as peak winter season in the United States, which meaning freezing winds, cold temperature, falling snow, and many other factors will cause the hunting activities to be slowed down. Winters are mostly regarded as “off-deer season” in many states. Not to worry as bitter cold temperature cannot down the enthusiasm of a dedicated hunter.
Winter season is best for the predators hunting to sharpen the hunting skills and to satisfy your inner hunting passion. Coyotes being one of the most mysterious and territorial game animals, to know more about you can also check our blogs about coyote hunt and best coyote hunting states.
Pc: Pixabay
I must say that being a predator hunting fanatic, your new year’s resolution must be a coyote hunt. If you are wondering why winters are considered as best time to hunt coyotes, there are some solid reasons which will surely motivate you to go on a predator hunt,
Winter months specially the month of January and February are considered as best time to hunt coyotes as these months are regarded the months when the coyotes are looking for the love, looking for their mates to breed. Coyotes in doing so are most active and responsive to calls.
Even harsh winters won’t stop the coyote and being predator they are always in search of food, but snow and cold temperature drain their energy and this is the time when they can easily be trapped with some of their favorite food, rabbit, mice, rodents, etc.
Any food call is more appealing to their ears, and they will rush towards it.
Being a hunter you have to master your strategies according to the conditions, the following calls will help you hunt predators in winter,
Pc: Unsplash
Predator hunting specially in winters is not a piece of cake but your persistence, dedication and some tips might be helpful.
Pc: Unsplash
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