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Spring Season Light Geese Hunting

February 25, 2023 3 min read

Spring Season Light Geese Hunting

The waterfowl belonging to the family Anatidae, a heavily bodied bird resembles to the ducks and swans. There are 5 known species of geese, such as

  • Grey Geese
  • Light Geese
  • Dark Geese
  • Brant

Pc: Pixabay

This blog is about the light geese hunting in spring. For more general information, you can check our blog about geese hunting.

Reasons to Hunt Light Geese in Spring:

  • Light geese hunting season mostly runs from October to February, so it is a great opportunity to enjoy this feast as mostly all seasons are closed in spring and even other waterfowls hunting in spring is scheduled for a limited time.
  • Hunting snow geese is a spectacular view when hundreds and thousands of geese with tightly packed wings move downwards. 

Pc: Unsplash

  • Light geese hunting is a true labor of love, as working on the whole waterfowl flock and decoying them. This hunting is fantastic, but there are very less room for mistake. The 5 to 6 shots you make while retreating the flock is a wholesome experience for hunters.
  • Spreading the decoys is not as playful as it seems, you have to carefully and wise fully spread your decoys as light geese can drive you mad with a single wrongly placed decoys can turn the coming hoard the other way. 
  • Light geese hunting is a real time rehearsal for an upcoming season, so beginners can learn how to use their shotguns. 
  • Hunting with a four-legged partner is your wish, then light geese hunting is a true opportunity for you. 

Pc: Pixabay

Where To Hunt Light Geese:

Light geese hunting is like a cat-mouse game, why because finding the right field and then placing the right decoys at the right time is a frustrating experience. While chasing a spring geese keep in mind they have two fronts like duck, one is agricultural field and other one is water of course. 

Pc: Unsplash

Light geese mostly roost on open water at night and after the sunrise they mostly fly to feeding fields. After spending two to three hours feeding they might return to marshes, stock dams, potholes, and rivers or their roosting waters. 

Pc: Unsplash

I would suggest you to do field hunting for a couple of reasons, as geese mostly spend their time in feeding, so it will give you enough time to select and arrange your decoys. The other main advantage of geese field hunting is scouting, which eliminates the random guessing and thus increasing your success chances. 

Tips to Hunt Geese:

Pc: Ducks Unlimited

Be fully prepared for the odds, light geese hunt means tons of work and muddy experience with actual practice of your wisdom and knowledge. Here, a few tips that might be helpful while you are in the field,

  • Setup in low areas of the fields to avoid wind and call loudly and aggressively. 
  • Use different types of goose calls, some high-pitched or soft calls, but make sure your calls sounds realistic. 
  • One more important thing that everyone in the group had to follow is to stay still with no movement until a shot is called. 
  • Communicate with geese through your decoys, and keep in mind that decoy movement is vital.
  • Decoys selection and placement is the golden chance to attract geese, place the active decoys where you do not want geese to land and feeder decoys in your chosen area. 
  • Sometimes hunter use the large number of decoys that is unnecessary, I think 300–400 decoys are enough
  • On a foggy day, I suggest you to prefer flogging to calling

Hope you will enjoy the lasts days of the season and go for the light geese hunting, you can also share your tips with our hunting community as well.

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